Lovely review from Victoria S. Educator on NetGalley 'I love that this book is written from the point of view of a young carer. Throughout the story you can hear Caz's frustration around the fact that grownups are expecting her to do adult things like cook, clean and take care of her younger brother, but aren't willing to treat her like an adult when it comes to telling her what is going on. It's also hard to read how much she wants to keep things a secret and how hard she finds it to share what is going on for her and her family. It's clear that part of Caz wants to pretend that everything is ok and part of her doesn't know any different; the way she thinks that this is the way her life is and how it has to be. When she goes to stay with Gramps, she is so worried that she'll get bored and won't know what do to with herself without her care responsibilities. It's so nice to see her start to relax and become a child again. And to see the adults in her life begin to step up and help out so that things don't go back to the way they were. I think this book is so important for children who are young carers, so they know that there are people who will help them if they ask for it. It's also important for people who have never lived through the experience, to help them understand how challenging life can be as a young carer.'
A piece about me has been included in the new Autumn/Winter edition of the Folkestone Foghorn magazine!

I’m being interviewed on the Folkestone Status Show on Academy 105.9 FM on Wednesday 26th September at 10:30 am, alongside Katie Bradley, to talk about Gramps and the Shield Bugs and the launch.
‘I love some of the skilful ways you teach about taking care of yourself, and of seeing things from different perspectives. You can tell you have experience in Special Needs and in Social Work. This book can be read by children living in difficult circumstances or parents and carers who need to think differently or adults who have responsibility due children or even adults who have lived through adverse childhood experiences.’ KM
‘I have a terrible attention span but it really gripped me and I kept wanting to read more. I know that it’s aimed at the younger reader but I loved the characters. I can’t wait for my grandson to be old enough to read it.’ PS
‘Loved this book as much as my granddaughter did.’ FR
‘A magical read. Thoroughly enjoyed it.’ JS
Utterly enchanting’ JL
‘I loved it. I especially loved the relationship between Gramps and Caz.’ MW
‘Your insight into the mind of a ten-year-old is rather magical. And dear old Gramps. What a character! The introduction of good ways to live is done so gently the reader can hardly notice, until you’re in a completely different space, as Caz is. I thought all the incidental details were nicely done, with enough quirky things to make it seem totally plausible. I am sure real ten-year-olds will love it, and teenagers. And adults, I’m loving it too.’ PH
‘Beautifully written’ SK
‘I really enjoyed it – and I didn’t really expect to!’ PR
‘I loved it. Genuinely. I see it as a book teachers will want their students to read.’ NF